About Davina
I fell in love with the Puget Sound on a vacation. It’s one of the most beautiful places on earth. Twenty years ago when I saw Main Street Bothell, I knew I wanted to raise my kids here and have never regretted it. Our local schools are some of the best in the state. I’m proud to represent Bothell, Kenmore, Woodinville, Lake Forest Park and parts of unincorporated Snohomish County.
As your State Representative, I serve on the Transportation Committee and am the Vice Chair of Environment and Energy Committee and the Local Government Committee. As a Bothell City Councilmember, I served on these committees:
Eastside Transportation Partnership
WSDOT Executive Advisory Group
Sound Transit Bus Rapid Transit Elected Leadership Group
PSRC Transportation Policy Board representing Sound Cities Association
Helped to obtain congestion mitigation on 405 after the tolls began resulting in the hard-shoulder lane from 527 to I-5
Formed a 405 Stakeholder Group to advocate for 405 capacity increases between 522 and 527
Successfully lobbied on behalf of Bothell for $640 Million to fund capacity increases on 405 between 522 and 527 which will provide additional lanes and direct access ramps in time for a successful rollout of 405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in 2024
I've also served with these community service groups:
Northshore Schools Foundation
Vice President and Board Member, 2009-2015
Co-founder and co-chair of the Milk Money program
Bothell Landmark Preservation Board
Board Chair 2008-2015
Board Member 2005-2015
I also served as:
Board of Directors of the Sound Cities Association representing 38 cities in King County
Eastside Transportation Partnership Alternate
Snohomish County Tomorrow Steering Committee Alternate
I graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Architecture and a minor in Environmental Geography. I am currently a licensed architect.